Water Hygiene For Schools 24th September 2021

Water Hygiene For Schools

The educational sector must provide its students and teachers (Employees) an adequate level of hygiene, that includes the supply of drinking water. The water must be easily accessible with a supply of cups unless it’s a water fountain.

This means, clean, safe water for fountains, showers, taps and air conditioning or any other water features for that matter. All of the above requires adequate water hygiene – especially for schools. Coming out of the pandemic it is still a worry for sharing stations. If you have Covid-19 symptoms, please make sure you’re aware of the rules. 

In this blog, we are going to discuss water hygiene for schools, the requirements and issues the industry faces, and how Clarion Water can help if you have any issues.

Why Is Water Hygiene Important In Schools?

Water hygiene in schools is so important when it comes to the student’s health, never mind teachers and other employees. Providing access to drinking water gives students a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened drinks. It helps to increase students’ overall water consumption, maintain hydration, and reduce energy intake if substituted for sugar-sweetened drinks.

Unicef talks about the importance of water in schools on a global scale,

“When children have access to safe water, toilets and soap for handwashing at school, they have a better environment to study, to learn and to realise their full potential”

Here are the benefits of providing water for schools:

  • Creates a plentiful source of low-cost refreshment throughout the day.
  • Encourages good health and wellbeing among pupils, staff, and other adults.
  • Reduces tiredness, irritability, and distraction from thirst
  • Can have a positive effect on pupils’ concentration throughout the day.
  • Demonstrates to parents and to the local community that the school values pupils’ health and wellbeing.
  • Raises awareness of the importance of adequate fluid intake and healthy eating as part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Our Water Hygiene Services

With the risk of children, teens, and teachers it’s extremely important to have an up to date water hygiene system that is compliant with all the legislation.

We work alongside some of the biggest UK businesses, therefore making sure all stakeholders aren’t at risk when it comes to using or drinking water is essential.

One thing that may surprise you, is there are a lot of businesses that aren’t compliant with these legislations. From every standpoint that could be fatal, our experts not only minimise the risks but also eliminate them completely.

Especially for sectors that work with children, I think we must get that message across. All you need to do moving forward is to ensure you are compliant in the future.

The risk associated with water is a bacterial disease called legionella. Preventing Legionella is the main risk associated with water hygiene systems. It could potentially be fatal. Here’s a breakdown of our service to ensure your water system is up to standard:

  • Our experts use several methods that have been tested and approved by legislation standards.
  • Our Legionella Risk Assessments ensure that our specialists point out the problems and have the necessary procedures to fulfil legal and health requirements.
  • We thoroughly inspect all water systems and have procedures to ensure that any potential risks are eliminated and dealt with correctly.
  • Our water hygiene specialists ensure all water systems are tested and approved before making them safe for the workplace. All tests are managed using the latest data management software and the most recently approved tests to ensure your business is fully compliant.
  • We regularly audit and update our clients on their water hygiene systems to make sure they meet all safety regulations.

Clarion Water

Clarion Water has a collective of 30 years of experience in the water hygiene and legionella industry. Our aim is to provide customers with the most professional, cost-effective and high spec solution for their water management systems.

We specialise in offering a service completely bespoke to suit any client in any industry. Our knowledge and experience, not only in water systems itself, but also the products we use for the job, makes us the leaders in the water hygiene and legionella industry.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the risks associated with the educational sector, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our expert teams. You can call us on 0113 229 5062 or, alternatively, you can email us at info@clarionwater.co.uk.

If you would like any tips or additional information, please head over to our blog.